Author Mohsen S. Ozaibi

A BDS in dentistry and MBA in business and marketing. I am the founder of OziDent.com and enjoy the gym and mental challenges.

Communication Between Partners
It might be weird talking about this but communication between partners is crucial and the…

My 2014 Resolution
I am just writing this, because someone close told me once if your To-Do list…

Its Been a While
Its been a while, so lets get down to business.
Prag trip!
I had this crazy idea of going to Prague, yet every time we tried to…

Even by Mother Nature ….
Between 2006 and 2012, 82 percent of people killed by lightning were male.

Muscles and Mosquitoes
Ever asked yourself …: If you flex your muscle when a mosquito bites you, will…
Weekly targets
Here is the list of goals I have for this week: overall security improvements on…
Starting to write …
It’s weird how life can change with a single flip or the word “I do…
9 days to go.. DHA Munich
its technically less than 9 days as i am writing this post, I have this…