I always wondered why I would sometimes neglect or run away from any relationship that was giving more than I did. It just felt weird!! I would feel suspicious of possible notorious intentions or malicious objectives. So my solution would be to run away, silent treatment, or sabotage the relationship. So where does it come from? My Guess…
“Never settle in your comfort zone even if you are successful because once you do, you can’t call yourself successful anymore.”
Let’s read the Millionaire Success Habits by Dean Robert Graziosi. In this book, we review the six habits of millionaires that help regulate your mental state & confidence, efficiently spend your time, and narrate your life story and future goals.
In this Code, we are basically basing the trigger on the presence of a specific text value from a sensor that has a text-like notification from a device linked to Homeasistant via App ( pixel mobile notification after giving this sensor a custom device class (device_class: last_notificaiton)

Happy moments☺️
Yesterday, while I was waiting for an appointment in the dental clinic ( I am a dentist but I still…

How it all Ended the manager phase!
I wrote in the past that I was glad to be able to handle the dental management aspect of the…

FYI: Your an Emotional Abuser and a Narcissist
According to ReachOut.com, you may be experiencing emotional abuse If you feel scared or confused around your partner, or doubt yourself when you’re talking with them.